Personally, I find that adventuring out on a long weekend, let alone a one or two week long road trip, is very hard to do with my busy work schedule. Therefore, I spend a majority of my "off" days; researching, planning, drafting itineraries and scouring the internet for as much information as possible. So, when the opportunity arises for an epic road trip, I am ready to go.
There are few things better in life than a quality road trip into an uncharted territory. Yes, it is true that some of the best trips are the spontaneous ones but having a well thought out itinerary is never a bad option either. Most of my itineraries are built around photography, points of interests, and specific hikes I have previously marked on my "to-do" list. I have found that car camping is a very fast and efficient way for me to hit up all my POI and yet it still gives me the flexibility to jump around my itinerary depending on inclement weather or any other unforeseen events. However, the main reason I enjoy car camping so much is that you can bring friends or family along to experience a place they maybe have never been to before.

Getting that special shot you have been dreaming of for years is very satisfying, but in order to snap the shot you had to plan everything out in advance to get yourself there. Pushing the shutter is easy, but actually getting to that exact point in time is usually easier said than done. I am interested in hearing how you all go about planning your trips.
What is your best or favorite itinerary?
What do you build your itineraries around?
What has been your most helpful trip tool/planner?
Attached is an itinerary I put together this past January which took us through parts of Arizona and into Utah's Mighty 5 and a blog post to follow up after the trip. It is one of my favorite trips taken so far!